WV.gov Accounts

Register for New Account

In order to create your WV.gov account, please provide the following information...
(* Required Field)
1) E-mail and Username  

We will only use your e-mail address to contact you for official WV.gov business.

Your username uniquely identifies you and must:

  • have at least 4 characters
  • contain only letters, numbers, periods (.), and underscores (_).
2) Create a Password  

Password must:

  • have at least 1 special character. Can be any one of these !@#$%^&*()
  • have at least 1 number
  • be at least 7 characters
3) Set Your Security Question and Answer  

Your security question and answer will be used to validate your identity, should you ever lose your password.

It should:

  • be at least 4 characters
  • be something only you should know
  • be memorable
4) Set Your Account Information  
To improve your WV.gov experience, please enter the following information.  


6) Verify You Are Not a Robot  

In order to prevent automated sign ups, we’ve implemented this CAPTCHA. Follow the instructions to confirm you are not a robot.


Existing Users

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