To verify a Title or Reassignment through the West Virginia Portal, please fill in the information below. These fields must exactly match with corresponding fields on the current issued title.

Document Type

Title         Reassignment

Required Fields for Verification

Please note: Owner Name(s) entered must exactly match Owner Name(s) on the vehicle title.

Please note: Reassignee Name(s) must exactly match Reassignee Name(s) on the DTRO.

How to Verify Each Document Type

Paper Title

1. Select "Title" as the document type.
2. Enter the VIN, Title Number, Odometer Reading, Odometer Brand, and Owner Name(s).

Digital Title

1. Select "Title" as the document type.
2. Enter the VIN, Title Number, Odometer Reading, Odometer Brand, and Owner Name(s).

Digital Title Reassignment of Ownership (DTRO)

1. Select "Reassignment" as the document type.
2. Enter the VIN, Reassignment Number, Odometer Reading, Odometer Brand, and Reassignee Name(s).