Screenshot the Directions Below, then
CLICK “Register” on the upper right to BEGIN
(Use an EMAIL that is checked OFTEN by Service Member)
Welcome to
West Virginia Education Encouragement Program
West Virginia National Guard
$10,000 per year in tuition Benefits
Funding Deadlines:
May 1st for Fall Traditional Semesters Nov. 1st for Spring
Non-Traditional 60 days PRIOR to Start of Course
(applications will not be funded after Deadline)
Step #1—Register & Log-in -- click Applications Tab to create a new Application for each future term.
Step #2—REQUIRED Federal Tuition ApplicationwithArmyIgnitED (all) or AF-MilTA (AGR & Active Duty)
Step #3—Complete THREE documents (completed once per degree) & Upload @ WVEEP website
All forms can be found at the bottom of the Document Library Tab.
- WVEEP Form 1- Service Member & Unit Representative Signed (Can use email and CAC)
- M.O.U.- Complete, initial on each applicable line and (CAC or Ink) sign on the back.
- Degree Plan- Course #’s and Titles for entire degree (PDF often found on Student Portal)
Federal Tuition MUST be complete WITHIN a 60-Day Window of start of classes,
and MUST be more than 8 days BEFORE class start date.
WVEEP State Tuition will ONLY be funded if Federal Tuition Application is completed.
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