Fall Deadline is MAY 1st  --  Non-Traditional and Summer Session Deadlines are 60 days before the start date.

The WV National Guard funds up to 100% of tuition costs and fees (up to $10,000 as prescribed by The Adjutant General) per Service Member per fiscal year. State tuition assistance may be used in addition to federal tuition assistance, the GI Bill, and Pell Grants.

As of 1 January 2023, ALL members eligible for Federal Tuitional Assistance funding MUST utilize this option (all Soldiers via ArmyIgnitED and Air AGR via MilTA) BEFORE State Tuition Assistance will be approved.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Service Members requesting tuition assistance must enroll in an approved, accredited post-secondary institution within West Virginia.
  • Service Members must not currently be under any type of an adverse action or administrative flag at the time of application.
  • Students must provide a detailed degree plan.
  • Students need to complete courses for which tuition assistance is provided before their Expiration Term of Service (ETS) date.
  • The institution must provide the student with documentation clearly describing the cost of each course.
  • Tuition assistance funds will not be disbursed without verification of enrollment.
  • Students need to submit grades to the WVEEP manager upon completion of a course.
  • Transcripts and/or diplomas are due upon graduation/program completion.
  • If your application is being submitted past the deadline, please call 304-561-6361 to obtain the late packet which must be submitted along with any supporting documentation for your tardy submission such as orders, etc.  As per WVNG-JR 18-001, your application will remain as pending until ruled upon via the application appeal process. If approved following appeal, tuition may be paid at less than the 100% level.

State tuition assistance cannot be used as an overpayment/refund to a student under any circumstance. Funds may ONLY be used for tuition and allowable fees (as prescribed by The Adjutant General).